GODDAMN GOTHS ON METH Confronts Our Imposing Reality – New Album COMORBID Is Out Now!


The very moment that anyone out there starts to feel like they might have the slightest idea of what GODDAMN GOTHS ON METH is all about, is the precise time you can expect everything to contort itself into a new twisted chapter that reminds the world about how unpredictable this musical oddity really is.
With the official release of COMORBID, GODDAMN GOTHS ON METH proudly takes a step further into the beyond like you’ve never experienced before. Through a devilishly spirited blend of hybrid material that takes listeners on an audible odyssey that spans through strangely upbeat vibes paired cleverly with hallucinogenic Spoken Word samples designed to stimulate the senses in savage ways that cannot ever be reversed, COMORBID’s fifteen-song set thrives on an illusory sound that dares to threaten the reality you think you know. From shattering the precious pearl-clutching ideologies of the Satanic Panic 2.0, to directly confronting themes like religion, politics, the wild histrionics brought on by purposely inaccurate misinformation & the media’s role in providing an endless maze of echo chambers to keep us contained, GODDAMN GOTHS ON METH has created a pungently potent sensory experience you will never forget.
Available everywhere online NOW – COMORBID is as enlightening as it is terrifying, as addictive as it is sonically tactile, and it’s guaranteed to speak to you in a language you could never hope to understand.

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